M&L target is to specialize in the provision of the highest quality Security Services to the blue chip facility management industry within East Africa and Kenya in particular.

It is our policy to operate to all current employment legislation, Health & Safety requirements and the Security industry code of practise. We operate in accordance with our easily verifiable quality management system compliant with accepted local and international standards.

The management of our company are fully committed to the requirements of our Quality Manual(QM). All our employee’s are made fully aware of the QM principles during basic training with an emphasis on their responsibilities for the implementation of the quality procedures.

Our policy is to provide unambiguous, transparent and competitive quotations that are based on client’s requirements and detailed assignment surveys.

Measurable quality and performance objectives have been identified within all core areas of the business (Document QD.03 of the Quality Manual). We are committed to continual improvement and by carrying out our internal audits and quality management reviews; we will monitor, measure, and establish new objectives appropriate to improving our service to the client and our own business.

This quality policy shall be communicated to all employees during induction training and a copy issued to all staff upon commencement of their employment.

The employees understanding of the policy will be verified during internal audits and training reviews.

The Managing Director acting as the Quality Management Representative also assumes the responsibility of promoting this policy throughout all aspects of the organisation and ensuring the quality and culture in place is maintained at M&L.

M&L operate according to KSIA code of practice and is working towards the award of ISO9001:2000.

M&L conducts on-site Audits to verify the performance levels of its members and aims to achieve consistently good levels of on-site performance on behalf of its clients throughout the annual Audit programme. Clients are also offered a free monitoring service whereby The KSIA will act as an independent, monitoring M&L service levels on site on a quarterly basis to ensure enhanced on site performance for our clients.

M&L will undertake a full site survey by a qualified manager and the findings passed to the client before the commencement of the contract. Once approved, detailed site specific Assignment Instructions will be prepared and passed to the client to authorise which will be reviewed on a monthly basis thereafter.

M&L will allocate a fully trained, experienced and qualified contract manager who will implement all current good practices in line with the contract specification and assignment instructions and will be the client’s initial contact. The contracts manager will attend regular meetings with the client at the frequency agreed.

The contract will be inspected regularly by M&L management both during and outside normal office hours and any shortfall in performance or staff’s turnout documented and a report of each visit will be made available to the client.

The contract manager will formulate and implement with client approval, a comprehensive procedure to be adopted in the event of the assignment or vicinity being in receipt of a Bomb Threat or a suspect device being discovered. Monthly checks are usually undertaken with client or tenants to verify the same personnel and ensure any absentees are deputised. A record will be maintained of these checks.

The contract manager will formulate and implement with client approval, a comprehensive procedure to be adopted in the event of fire or threat of fire. A monthly check with all appointed fire marshals will be undertaken to ensure all personnel remain the same and any absentees are deputised. A record will be maintained of these checks.

M&L management are particularly concerned to ensure clients receive best value and will implement testing routines of client’s plant and equipment to address fire testing and health and safety responsibilities.

We believe that a Service Level Agreement (SLA) should be a ‘living’ document, jointly owned by both parties. To this end, we would propose to discuss and agree all aspects of the SLA with the client contact, to ensure a satisfactory agreement is achieved.

  1. Full Site Survey
    M&L will undertake a full site survey prior to commencement of the contract, which will address all issues listed in the Assignment instructions. A copy of this survey report will be forwarded to the client for approval prior to commencement and the Assignment instructions formulated thereafter.
  2. Health & Safety Risk Assessments
    M&L will complete a full Health & Safety Risk Assessment of the assignment, which will be forwarded to the client prior to contract commencement. The risk Assessment will take account of any lone working procedures necessary and will include our Company Health & Safety Policy that is renewed at least annually.
  3. Documentation
    M&L will write, introduce and manage thereafter, the under mentioned documentation (subject to client approval)

Detailed assignment instructions will be agreed with the Client and will be prepared in advance of the commencement date of the contract. The agreed Instructions are incorporated in an Assignment File, which contains further essential information, presented in a very readable fashion.

Our designated Control room and procedures are built to ISO 9002 standards and are twice yearly inspected by the KSIA to ensure satisfactory compliance with KSIA Standards ISO 9002. All staff on assignments make hourly check calls to confirm attendance and presence of and ensure staff’s welfare. Any overdue calls are brought to the immediate attention of the Duty Manager and supervisors who will attend and investigate.

Having defined the staff profile during the Client’s ‘Needs Assessment’, we first conduct a search of our employee database for suitable candidates. Where further staff is required we recruit candidates with the right background, experience, qualifications, and attitude for the relevant position.

All training is ongoing and our Security Officers performance is assessed at the completion of their initial three months probationary period and a record is kept of all training provided to them.

Training is provided to KSIA standards and all staff undergo a three day classroom based training. Continuation training is undertaken on site and employees’ individual training needs are monitored on a regular basis.

M&L fully complies with the KSIA Standard for screening and vetting. A full 10-year vet is conducted which is a prerequisite for our insurance cover prior to an individual being confirmed for the position.

Once a suitable applicant is interviewed, a telephone vet is made with past employers in the preceding five years. Thereafter, and during the applicant’s first two weeks of employment, written reference requests are forwarded to all previous employers going back ten years or to school leaving age with additional requests being made from personal character references and banks and/or accountants for any periods of self employment. In addition, all staff must to submit confirmation of their lack of criminal record by the production of a bonafide Police Department (CID) Certificate of Good Conduct.

We aim to provide sensible, well-balanced and mature individuals with pleasant personalities who are self-disciplined with common sense and a flexible approach. A smart appearance is a pre requisite as is a good command of written and spoken in both Swahili and English.

CV’s for all proposed security staff will be prepared and all personnel will be presented for interview as and when required by you. Personnel will not be recruited without this client acceptance.

Every effort will be made to provide a stable and dedicated workforce to ensure familiarity and efficiency, Staff will not be relocated to another assignment without express authorisation from the client, which will generally only occur for reasons of promotion or unsuitability.

Personnel are recruited to meet the particular needs of each client. Our client base primarily consists of blue chip companies who require staff of suitably high calibre. To meet clients exacting standards, we endeavour to recruit personnel who have had exemplary service in the Police force or from other disciplined service industry backgrounds.

We are an equal opportunities employer and every effort is made to provide staff appropriate to each client’s philosophy and style needs as well as particular qualities the contract may require.

All potential employees are interviewed very carefully to ensure those selected meet client needs and also fit in with the M&L image.